Sunday, November 28, 2010

Long Weekend!

Our Thanksgiving weekend was fabulous! On Thanksgiving I invited a friend and her family from work to celebrate the holiday with us. We had dinner and then we played some games. It was a lot of fun and it was even nicer to have friends to share the evening (and the 14lbs of turkey) with. We have turkey coming out of our eyeballs =) Today, we took advantage of all of the stores being opened and we went out and bought some ingredients for Homemade Macaroni. Brandon is whipping it up and can't wait to taste something different.

The rest of the weekend was super laid back. We cleaned house, took care of some errands and topped off the weekend with some Black Friday shopping (just not at 5 am).

Our other BIG News:

We enrolled Issy as a Daisy Girl Scout! This is her second week going, and she absolutely loves it! Two of her best friends from school are also in her troop, so it really helps to keep her excited. This afternoon I ironed on the first patches, and I am happy to report that she is official a Daisy!


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