Thursday, July 9, 2009

I can hear laughter

I ran in to the Albertsons earlier this week, it just happened to be the same store that my friend Tasche's brother works at. For some reason I felt the urge to just look at him, I looked and looked an could not find him. I know it that may sound super weird, I swear I was already in the area and needed to stop and pick up a few things already. I felt like if only I could just see him, I would be able to get a little glimpse at Tasche. I was a little bummed that I didn't get to see her brother but as I was walking out and putting my groceries in my trunk I could faintly hear her laughter in my head. Her happy, excited laughter!
I miss her so much everyday. A lot of the time I look down at my phone on my way home from work and wish I could call her. Obviously she is laughing at me, telling me to stop stocking her brother and just remember the good times. That is what I am planning on doing...Sorry Rigg!

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