Saturday, April 3, 2010

Another T-ball Update..

We had a little T-ball Ceremony this saturday, where the league presened all of the T-ball teams to the parents and each other. They had food, and even a little Easter egg hunt...It was really fun to see all the little ones in their uniforms and so proud to stand next to their team mates holding their team banners. Although the boys don't seem to notice, Issy is the only girl on her team and actualy one of the few girls is playing T-ball on the whole league.

Issy's favorite part about T-ball is hitting the ball. Its hard to teach her how to hold the bat and how to hit it, becuase she is a lefty, but (once the coach figured out how to hold it himself) she caught on quickly and so far she is doing very well.

She plays every Tuesday and Thursday through the Middle of May so (family members only) call me if you want to know the times and locations of the game so you can cheer her on!


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